App Features
Questions related to features in the app.
- Q. How do I add an additional ESN in my mobile app?
- Q. How do I switch boats in the app if I have more than one?
- Q. Where can I view my device esn/ siren marine number in the app?
- Q. How do I change my app password?
- Q. How do I change my boat name in the mobile app?
- Q. Can I edit the units of measurement that display in my mobile app?
- Q. Can I customize my Siren app icon to match my boat manufacturer?
- Q. How do I edit my boat manufacturer/ engine manufacturer/ hull ID?
- Q. What do the cell and gps indicator bars on the homepage of my mobile app mean?
- Q. Can the tiles on the homepage of my mobile app be rearranged?
- Q. Where is the map in the mobile app for me to track my vessel?
- Q. What is a geofence?
- Q. What is the difference between a polygon geofence and a radius geofence?
- Q. How do I set a polygon geofence in the app?
- Q. How do I set a radius geofence in the app?
- Q. How do I turn on my cellular track line?
- Q. Where do I view a list of the events that have occurred on my vessel?
- Q. I am not seeing my events log in my Siren Marine App when one of my sensors is triggered and the sensor tile lights up orange. What should I do?
- Q. How do I turn on email and text message alerts for my device?
- Q. Some engine alerts are not as important to me as others, can I filter some of these out?
- Q. Why does my engine performance graph only show RPMs and temperature measurements, but not oil pressure?
- Q. I have multiple engines but am only seeing one engine tile appear in the app, how do I view my additional engines?
- Q. How do you clear a high water alert?
- Q. How can I add an alert recipient in my app?
- Q. Can I add an additional user so that they can log in and monitor my vessel in the mobile app with their own credentials?
- Q. What is the difference between a secondary user and an alert recipient in the mobile app?
- Q. What are the differences in Arming, disarming or setting your unit to Aboard in app?
- Q. How do I set my arm aboard settings in the mobile app?
- Q. How do I set up an output to trigger when one of my security sensors is tripped?
- Q. How do you trigger a strobe or siren when a wireless sensor is tripped?